Bible Study/Sunday School

The adult ministries at Bethel exist to help men and women become disciples of Christ and then in turn make other disciples of Christ by teaching God’s Word, both in our corporate time of worship and through our service and ministry opportunities, and mission’s involvement locally and around the world. 

SUNDAY 9:30 am Sunday Morning Bible Teaching

Explore the Bible

Grace Class - Adult Ladies— (Rm. 135A) 

Caleb Class - Adult Men— (Rm. 135B) 

Believers Class - Adult Coed— (Rm. 136) 

The Gospel Project

Andrew Class - All Ages - (Rm. 133)

      SUNDAY EVENING STUDY @ 6:00 pm




school of prayer

Every Wednesday

7:00 pm -8:30 pm Via Zoom Video Conferencing

Contact Church Office for more information (918-272-2229)

School of Prayer— for adults. “Lord, teach us to pray” is a desire and request of Christ-followers throughout all generations. School of Prayer is a time to learn to pray as we pray together. Current study: - FAITH'S CHECK BOOK by Charles Hadden Spurgeon

women's ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry Shawls are made and distributed to those who are in need of our prayers. These handmade blankets have been given to those who suffer with illness. We also provide many of our missionaries with these beautiful shawls.