OUr services

Sunday's Opportunities

Children, Youth & Adult Bible Study (Sunday School) Classes - 9:30 AM

Babies through Adult Bible Classes are built around LifeWay's "Explore the Bible" or "The Gospel Project". Students study a variety of topics designed to connect lives, challenge minds, and change the World. 

Sunday Morning Worship - 10:45 AM

God-centered, Christ-exalting, Holy Spirit-anointed worship expressed through

1) the preaching of the gospel,

2) praise and worship,

3) prayer,

4) giving, and

5) the celebration of baptism and the Lord's Supper.

ChildCare is available during Sunday Morning Worship (Birth thru Threes)

Sunday Evening Study - 6:00 pm

Children's Study - 6:00 pm

Wednesday - Midweek Activities

School of Prayer - 7:00 PM Via Zoom Video Conferencing. Contact the Church office for more details. 

For adults. “Lord, teach us to pray” is a desire and request of Christ-followers throughout all generations. School of Prayer is a time to learn to pray as we pray together. 

Address 10705 East 86th Street North

Owasso, OK 74055

Phone (918) 272-2229

Email Bethel99@sbcglobal.net


As of July, 2018

Monday & Tuesday Closed

Wednesday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Closed

The office is located on the North side of the building.

You may still call the office (918.272.2229) and your message will be answered in a timely manner.